Dispatches from Home – Four years ago.

Dear Mom, Oh! How I miss you! I don’t know where the past four years have gone since last I heard your sweet voice, felt the warmth of your loving touch, and saw the sparkle in your blue eyes. Do you remember the day we took this picture? It was in the early 2000s for the church directory. We laughed so hard when we got in the car. The photographer had a clump of long twisted hairs sticking up on top of his head. We both agreed that he looked like Alfalfa of Little Rascals fame.
This picture is precious to me for other reasons as well. One, it was the last picture you and I took together. And two, your hand on my shoulder was the same hand I held as you took your last three peaceful breaths on this earth, passing from this life into Heaven. God so graciously answered my prayer concerning your passing, though. I prayed that you’d pass away in our little house—the house that I grew up in, the house that possesses so many memories, the house in which I was so loved by you and Daddy. I prayed that you would pass away without any struggle, pain, or fear. And you did.
I think of you every morning as I sit in your rocker by the window. I think of the hours you spent in that old chair looking at the wonders of your little world – the oaks, the daffodils of spring, the caladiums of the summer, and the camellias of winter, along with the arguing Cardinals and Blue Jays, the happy squirrels dashing from tree to tree, and the laughing children playing in the street. I think of you peacefully dosing off to sleep in that chair. I watched you as you dreamed; you often awakened quickly—talking, smiling, and laughing. As your little world slowly faded away in the last year of your life, as did your memory, I cherished those days, knowing they would not last forever.
And now, it’s been four years since God called you Home. Although I miss you more than life itself, I’m happy and thankful that you and Daddy are Home. No more pain. No more fear. No more death. Home forever! Mom, you loved me so much. And I try to share the love you instilled in me to a world filled with deceit, hate, and violence. I also remember you telling me to be kind, to help others more than myself, to go to church, and to love God. I often look at your cross stitch of Micah 6:8 – Do justly. Love mercy. Walk humbly with God. You’ll be happy to know I try to do just that, Mom. I try. I fail. But yet I keep trying.
I miss you, Mom. I miss you and Daddy. But I know one glorious day, one happy day, both of you will meet me at the Gate, and we will be together forever. Held tight in the arms of our precious Lord and Savior, Jesus, and forever surrounded by the grace, the love, and the mercy of His Father, Holy God. I love you, Mom. I miss you so much!
All my love, your son, your only child, Anthony Wayne Kalberg.