Sunday Sermonette Don’t Wait!
Sunday Sermonette October 3, 2022. Ever endure a traumatic experience? Sudden loss of your job, home, or someone you love? Ever sat in the darkness of that loss, wondering where to go or who to turn to? Many will only turn to God when they are stumbling in the darkness, falling to their knees, begging for help and a way out.
However, it’s best to turn to God before the dark storms of life come calling and less so during the storm. As the dark storms rage around you, instead of being scared, you can bask in the assurance that God will hold you up in them. The storms may rage, but He will be your anchor. He is your constant presence, your daily protection, and provides hope when there seems to be none.
Don’t wait for the storms to come and then frantically call on God. Pray to Him daily for the strength to survive the sudden, traumatic storms of life that may come your way.
Ponder this and go forth.