Dispatches from Home: Regrets, New Year’s Day 2022.
The picture is fading, and the champagne bubbles have melted away, but the sentiment still holds true: HAPPY NEW YEAR to my friends and loved ones.
Because I have more years behind me than before me, I don’t want to leave this mortal coil with regrets. I looked over the last year and asked myself, “Did I have any regrets?” Alas, I must confess I did.
I regret that I failed to show more compassion to those around me, that I could not accomplish more acts of kindness, and that I did not tell more people that God loves them. And I regret that I did not slow down, take a deep breath, and “buy hyacinths for my soul.” But come the New Year…
Big hug, y’all!
(Originally published January 1, 2022)