This and That – Lights in the Dark.
Greetings, family and friends! This evocative rendering of the Titanic’s bow underwater is new to me. Can’t count how many pictures I’ve seen of her above water, but none below. This picture was posted on the Titanic Historical Society’s FB page. My question to the members was this: Would that many lights still be lit after being submerged in sea water?
One member, James Lewis Hannah, had this to say: ” I’m pretty sure it appeared to the survivors that lights stayed on underwater, but it’s more likely that they saw the lights in the staterooms still on before the room actually flooded. The water level on the inside of a flooding ship is lower than the water level outside. Even if the lights managed to stay on once hitting water (highly unlikely), the glass bulbs would have busted once they were deep enough to succumb to the pressure.”
Any of you engineers, well versed in all things electric, have any thoughts? One other thing–this picture is somewhat creepy looking. That immense liner looks as if she’s suspended in mid air, instead of sinking into the cold dark abyss of the Atlantic ocean.
What say ye? Later Titanic-Loving-Gaters! (Originally published July 13, 2023)