This and That – Stalin and Cancel Culture.

Greetings! My former pastor, Dean Register, has some enlighten words concerning the “cancel culture” madness that seems to be sweeping the country.
He wrote: “The current demand for “posthumous perfection” is insane. It’s popular today for news anchors, social activists, and historical revisionist to vehemently denounce the flaws of America’s founders. Indeed they were flawed. But their ideals for liberty and justice were unmatched by any previous nation in history. The greatness & exceptionalism of America does not stand upon the moral perfection of its early leaders, but upon the ideals they championed. Washington and Jefferson were sinners. So are we all, in too many ways, and comparably far worse. But to loudly demand that their history be erased is make the egregious mistake of smearing their ideals also. Perfectionism is an impossible achievement for mere mortals. Posthumous perfectionism is insanity!”
My friends, if you don’t understand the meaning behind the snap I’ve provided, look it up before it too is canceled. Later Concerned Gaters! (Originally published July 21, 2020)