This and That – Theater’s Alive and Well on the Mississippi Gulf Coast!

     Greetings! A few weeks ago, I sat in the peeling splendor of our dear old Saenger Theater and was mesmerized by Broadway South’s production of “Sunset Boulevard.” The cast and crew did an amazing job with the show! Terese Garguilo Evans, Jacqueline Coale, David Delk, Cliff Thompson, and Sean Maurer were stand outs in an exceptionally talented cast! As they say in the business: Terese Garguilo Evans WAS Norma Desmond!

     Last Thursday, I once again sat in a darkened theater, this time at Center Stage. And once again I was enthralled by the staging of that theater’s production of “Fiddler on the Roof.” Like “Sunset,” the singing and dancing blew me away! And what talent was on stage too! Wayne Stephens, Becky Green, and Sean Harding–talented that they are–had a hard time keeping up with the rest of that brilliantly talented cast! That men’s dance with those bottles on their heads was worth the price of admission alone!

     These two productions prove that theater on the Mississippi Gulf Coast is alive and well. And even though a vicious, nasty “lady” named Katrina attempted to obliterate so much of the Coast that we call home, she could not blow away the talent that still graces our local stages! And for that, this ol’ Mississippi boy is thankful!

Later Gaters!

(Originally published August 2015)