This and That – Tully Rhodes.

Cancer! It is one stupid disease. It devourers the very thing that gives it life. And now, this evil, pain-racking disease has taken the life of a dear, dear friend: Tully Rhodes. He was a faithful member of Gulfport’s First Baptist Church and one of my favorite Sunday School teachers. I so enjoyed his incorporation of movies and old TV shows into his lessons, The Twilight Zone being a particular favorite. He was a master at weaving different threads together, creating a biblical tapestry that made the scriptures come alive. He was the epitome of a good father, a good husband, a good provider, and a good friend. He jogged daily for miles until he literally could run no more.

He was quick with a funny story, always smiling, and was a good listener, doling out wisdom and advice in equal portions. He never complained about his illness, always giving God the Glory for each hour, each day, each week, each month, each year. He last taught about a month ago. At that lesson, he revealed his cancer had returned, and after surviving it for over nine years, his doctors told him there was nothing else they could do. He taught his last lesson, led us in prayer, and went home to die.

But his lessons about life, about love, about God, and about Jesus will not die with him. That legacy, his legacy, will live on in my heart and the hearts of others until we, too, are called Home. And when that day comes, and the golden bells ring out, we shall see our dear Tully standing at the Gate welcoming us Home. Home. No more pain. No more doubt. No more fear. Just Home in the loving arms of Jesus and his gracious Father, omnipotent, omniscient God. Fly high dear Tully. Au revoir, my friend, until you meet me at the Gate. ❤

(Originally Published August 2, 2023)