This and That – Bath, England.

Good evening from London! Our day in Bath was over the top amazing. It was like walking back in time. The ancient Roman baths, Jane Austin’s house, the Royal Crescent, and the jewel in the crown, Bath Abbey.

I sat in awe, looking at the centuries-old stained glass and the soaring columns supporting the ribbed ceilings. There was also an organ concert. When that old organ cranked up, you could feel the ancient stone and marble floor vibrate. I also got an English wish: It poured rain.

We were sitting on a bench, looking at the Royal Crescent. Like others doing the same, we doved into our tote bags, opening our Highclere umbrellas. The cool rain dropped the temp somewhat, but it also stirred the sweet smells of flowers and the loamy smell of the English soil.

I’m ready to move to Bath. Who wants to go with me?

Big hug! (P.S. Someone got a fab souvenir, too. Was it you?)

(Orginally published September 6, 2022)

Moi at the Roman Baths with an old friend.
The main entrance to the Abby.
The Jane Austen house. Tried to kiss her, hefer turned to iron. LOL! Wonder what’s in the Goldsmith’s bag?
The Royal Crescent.