Dispatches from Home – Miss Emma and A Chasing of the Wind.

Small world, ain’t it! This wonderful house is owned by Mrs. Emma Foy, a grand dame from the Old School, as we say down South.

While searching the internet for a snap of a grand old house to use on the cover of my novel, “A Chasing of the Wind,” I came across Miss Emma’s magnificent house! I contacted her through the Eufaula Pilgrimage Society.

When I approached her about using her home on the cover of my book, I told her that she might not want her home associated with a vicious double homicide. Without missing a beat, she giggled and said, “Oh! Honey! A murder in this old house might liven things up a bit.”

And there you have it. LOL.

Kind regards, Anthony (AMGB)

(Originally published September 6, 2016)

The cover of my book using Miss Emma’s lovely house as its backdrop.
The palour
The Entrance Hall.
The back hallway.
Looking down from upstairs into the front entrance hall.
The dining room.