Dispatches from Home – The – of Life.

For those of us who were privileged to know Dr. Bobby Perry, you know what a gentle but powerful man of God he was. His obituary was filled with his many lifelong accomplishments, as he took the gifts that God had given him, using them to bring folks from all walks of life to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Many a time he filled the pulpit at FBC Gulfport when we were in-between pastors. In the fifty-three years that I’ve been a member of FBC, needless to say, I’ve heard a myriad of sermons. Many I remember, most I don’t; such are the limits of the human brain. One of the sermons that I do remember, Dr. Perry preached. I can’t remember the “chapter and verse,” but I do remember the punchline, so to speak.
Dr. Perry taught about our Christian lives; what they mean to us and what they should mean to others. He spoke of our good works; and how they affect our lives for the good and of those around us. I remember him talking about gravestones too. He stated that our birthdate was in the past. Our expiration date was in the future. But the dash in between those two dates is the present. It represents the time that we have left to “Do justly. Love mercy. Walk humbly with God.”
Once you finish this day and hopefully start another, keep in mind the – that Dr. Perry so eloquently spoke of as you live out your remaining days.
Big hug, y’all!