The Friday Funnies – A Walk Down Memory Lane.

While wading through a slew of boxes filled with old papers and ring binders, I found my old KNS Publicity Folder from the early 90s. Its yellowing pages and envelopes packed with aging snaps brought a smile.

Remembering all my friends who had entertained me over the years with their stage antics made me giggle. Thanks for the memories! Got an old theater snap? Please post it so we can all enjoy it.

Big hug, y’all. 🥰

Man of La Mancha. Who’s the old coot standing tall? Do I see a future Mrs. Lovette? And dear, dear Ben. Gone Home but never forgotten.
A sepia-toned memory. Who’s the cute chick on the left of the 1st snap? Our dear, dear Kathy’s gone Home too. Never forgotten, my dear. And last but not least, who the handsome young fellow in chains? Yikes! Who did he tick off? LOL!!!!
1993/1994 was a great Season for KNS. Alas, gone are the days.
Cabaret. 1988.
Dear me! There’s Captain Andy acting out a melodrama all by himself. I hope he didn’t eat beans before the performance. LOL!!!!!