This and That – Family Reunion – The Musical.

THROWBACK THURSDAY—”Family Reunion” was a hilarious musical written by the amazingly talented Kitty and Neil Stallings! What a fun show it was. Thanks to the amazing talents of the director, David Delk, and his sterling cast and crew, it was an audience pleaser—sold-out performances every night. As Bob Hope sings, ” Thanks for the memory…”

(Originally published October 8, 2020)

The amazing Cast and the wonderful Director.
Well, as they say, one picture is worth a thousand words. LOL.
“Poppy” coming our of the ceiling. The old boy certainly knows how to make an entrance. LOL!
Moi in full “Poppy” regalia.
A cartoon of Poppy drawn by a cast member. Alas, I can’t remember who.