Dispatches from Home – Pray for Florida’s Citizens! ALL of Them!

Greetings! This statement was posted on a former friend’s FB page, former being the operative word. This is a prime example of one of the many things wrong with our dear county.

With the swirling rain demon approaching Florida and its terrified citizens, the only thing we, as American Citizens, should be doing is praying for the safety and well-being of all concerned. Be they DEMOCRAT, REPUBLICAN, or INDEPENDENT!

If this storm makes landfall with its predicted intensity, may Father God have mercy on them all. Let’s pray for that, not wish ill because of politics. We are all God’s Children, so let’s remember our shared humanity and refrain from throwing sand in the faces of those we disagree with politically.

I don’t give a monkey’s red a-double who you vote for. Regardless of your political leanings, in times of crisis, we should stand united for ALL American Citizens. This is not the time for division but for coming together as one.

And watch how you respond. My old, arthritic fingers are just inches away from the “Unfriend” button. Sorry for the rant, but, for Heaven’s sake, people, STOP PUTTING A POLITICAL SLANT ON THIS TERRIBLE STORM!

Kind regards, Anthony Wayne Kalberg.