This and That – Thought for the Day…Details.

Many years ago, I coined a phrase that I often remind myself of: It is the attention to detail that sets one above mediocrity. Oft times, when I’ve finished a project, I reflect on just that—the details.

Should I have added this or that? Should I have asked for help? Should I have accepted that I’d completed my task to the best of my God-given abilities? These are the questions I often ask myself, and they lead to a deeper understanding of my actions and decisions. Should I….well…you get the picture. Reflection is a powerful tool for personal growth and self-awareness.

What task are you endeavoring to improve or complete? A household project? Adjusting to a new job? Working on an artistic creation? Attempting to salvage a relationship or a friendship? Coming to grips with your future and how you intend to live it?

As you do, please remember the details. Those small, seemingly insignificant bits and pieces that help complete the maze-like project before you. Sometimes, those details are simply a kind remark or a loving embrace. And then there are times when they include removing huge roadblocks that you’ve created. Every small action you take matters and can make a significant difference.

But in the end, when the day’s done, it will be the attention to the details, those that helped you complete your task, that will put a smile on your face. And in so doing, you will be “like one who wraps the drapery of his couch about him and lies down to pleasant dreams.”

Later Detail-Loving Gaters!

(Originally published October 11, 2019)