Dispatches from Home – The Day Before the Election 2016.
I’ve heard my Democratic friends say, “If Mr. Trump wins, it’s the end of our country as we know it!” My Republican friends say, “If Mrs. Clinton wins, it will be a mini-Armageddon!” Doom and gloom are all around. Some might even say that the very pallbearers who carted away the ancient Roman Empire to the graveyard of history are encamped on America’s doorstep.
Really? Come on, folks, get real! Our country survived the Revolutionary War and the Civil War, along with two World Wars, the Korean War and Vietnam. We survived numerous depressions and rescissions, Prohibition and the Civil Rights Movement, as well as the reign of Jim Crow in the South.
We survived eight years of President Bush, who got us into a war that we’re still fighting. And we survived eight years of President Obama, who has given us a faulty healthcare system that’s collapsing under its own weight and, in my humble opinion, has done little to ease racial tensions.
But come tomorrow, either Mr. Trump or Mrs. Clinton will win, and the country–for better or worse–will survive.
And for those of us who call ourselves Believers, we know that Father God is still in His Heaven and still in control! If He can use Cyrus the Great–a non-Jew and most likely hated by the Jews–to restore His people to their Promised Land, then by dingoes, He can use either candidate to help restore some semblance of sanity to this country.
However, Father Go will do HIS will, not the candidate’s will or ours. Lest we forget His words to Joshua: Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”
Having said that, get off your a-doubles and vote your convictions.
Later Trembling Gaters! (AMGB)
(Originally polished November 8, 2016)