I am thankful that the elections are over. Now, we, as a country, can begin to heal. Let us put all rancor, hate, and violence behind us and move forward. Congratulations are in order.
MR. BIDEN, a majority has elected you, and the Electoral College—a wounded nation looks to you for leadership. To the Republican-controlled Senate, congratulations on retaining your majority. Congratulations to the DEMOCRATS and your continued leadership in the House. I pray that both the HOUSE and the SENATE will join hands across the aisle and lead with fewer leanings to the Far Left and Far Right, coming together to fill the void in the Middle.
And last but not least, congratulations, PRESIDENT TRUMP. No, you did not win the re-election, but your legacy will live on for many years to come. Although some will look upon that legacy as one of bitterness and discord, I don’t. Your legacy is the Supreme Court and the nation’s federal judges; for that, I thank you. I would, however, ask you to concede the election and end any court-wrangling, doing all you can to ensure a peaceful transfer of power, which is one of the bulwarks of our Democratic Republic.
Now, we need to move forward! For those of you who read this and feel it’s your duty as a Democrat or Republican to make a snarky, ill-mannered remark, please don’t! I’ve already unfollowed many of you; unfriending you is my next option. Please, let it not come to that.
In the months to come, I’ll do what the Good Book instructs me to do: “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for governments and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.”
Take care. Be safe. Kind regards, Anthony
(Originally published November 8, 2020)