This and That – Help Me Win!
Greetings! For your perusal, I present my entry in a photo contest sponsored by the Bubba Bohunkus Shutterbug Institute of South Mississippi.
The photo is titled: Icicles On Wilson Drive Via Nozzle And Rubber Hose.
The first-place prize is a carefree weekend at the D’Lo Water Park! It includes a tent, sleeping bag, firewood, and a collection of high-quality, ready-made dehydrated and freeze-dried foods.
However, a shotgun to ward off lions, tigers, and bears, along with crazy drunks high on moonshine whiskey, will not be part of the package deal.
Please help me win by adding your comments or an FB like or love.
Thank you. Later Appreciative Gaters!
(Originally published November 13, 2019)