The Friday Funnies – Norma Desmond Where Are You?
Alas and alack, woe is me! The phone rang late yesterday afternoon. I answered. Carolyn Martin said in a sweet voice, “Please call Brennan Prince. He wishes to speak to you.” I was elated and just knew he wanted me to audition for his next show.
Imagine my dismay and crumpled feelings when I discovered he only wanted my antique chairs for his show, “Beauty and the Beast,” which opens tonight at the Mary C Cultural Center in Ocean Springs.
On a happy note, though, I’ve summoned the spirit of Norman Desmond, and we’ll kibitz at Quakes Ice Creamery, as I drown my sorrows with a triple banana split with extra whipped cream and cherries and topped off with a shot of tabasco sauce.
Don’t forget to have a good chuckle today. It’s good for the soul. Big hug.