This and That – Communion with Father God.

We took communion at church this morning. The observance was similar to all the other observances of communion, but today, as in times past, it was—for me—a special time.

It was a time to come before the Holy God of the universe—the same God who created the universe and everything in it—and stand before Him and pray for forgiveness of sins, renewal in the Christian walk, and guidance in a world gone mad.

As the music played softly, as families took the elements together as families, as each person there contemplated his or her relationship to the one and only God, I could not help but tear up, knowing that each of us will never be made perfect until that God – the perfect God – calls each one of us Home. And with that assurance, I left church renewed, knowing “that God is in His Heaven, all’s right with the world.”

Big hug, y’all!

(Originally published November 16, 2014.)