This and That – Happy Thanksgiving!

The Morning Question: It’s a glorious day here along the Mississippi Gulfport Coast. Earlier this morning, warm sunshine, a brisk Northern wind, and tallow trees resplendent in Fall’s glorious colors greeted me as I rode along Hwy 90!

The wind had swept the Gulf’s tawny-brown water far out to sea. That exposed the sand flats, which were rippled with grey-white mud waves. And oh! That water! It sparkled as if Heaven’s angels had pitched diamonds across its surface.

As Vivaldi’s “Four Seasons” floated out of the car speakers, I could not help but look upward and thank God – the Creator of Heaven and Earth and all that’s in it – for His love and bountiful blessings! So, with that in mind, what are you thankful for? Thoughts? Comments?

Happy Thanksgiving, y’all!

(Originally published November 27, 2014)