Dispatches from Home – A Titanic Questionnaire.

Taking a bit of time off from this busy Christmas season, I decided to begin working on my Titanic Scrapbooks. Since she was discovered on Labor Day, 1985, still whispering to us from the pitch-black darkness of the chilly-cold Atlantic, I’ve clipped out newspaper and magazine articles about her that caught my eye. Since then, they’ve languished in yellowing boxes, waiting to find rest in a respectful repository.

When Cameron’s blockbuster movie was announced, news about it was all over the telly, in magazines, and even on Paul Harvey’s Friday radio show. After the movie’s premier, Mr. Harvey reported that the movie was, yet again, Number One at the box office. It held that record for 15 consecutive weeks.

When the movie opened at Gulfport’s Hardy Court Cinema in December 1997, I was over the moon with excitement. My dear friend, David Delk, insisted on accompanying me. Little did I know that he had sent out invitations to a gaggle of friends, inviting them to the night’s festivities. Imagine my surprise when about twenty-five eager beavers showed up. We stood in the long ticket line, got them and some popcorn, then found good seats in the middle of the theater, and finally settled in to watch the movie.

Before the theater lights faded, Mr. Delk handed out The Titanic Tally Tabulation Sheet, which asked, “What will Andy do next during this movie?” The list included probing questions, such as, “Kalberg Tears? Kalberg says, “That’s not correct.” Kalberg gasps? Kalberg shrills? Kalberg throws his right hand over his heart…as in a dramatic heart attack.” And the list went on. 😂

Today, while rummaging through the yellowing scraps of paper, theater tickets, and old theater programs, I was delighted to find a copy of the tabulation sheet! As I age, and as you know, I cherish my memories. And remembering that night and the fun we had…at my expense…is one memory I hope the passage of time does not fade. Sail on great ship, Titanic. Still creating memories after 112 years.

Big hug, y’all! 🥰