THE FRIDAY FUNNIES – My Sweet Granny from D’Lo and Toby.
My sweet Granny from D’Lo once told me, “Andy, if you see a woman in gold lame’ you know you got a floozy on your hands.”
She also warned me about strange men wearing striped pants and sporting polka-dot headbands on their top hats.
She also taught me that sometimes, people are just weird, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
“Remember, Andy, there are a lot of strange folks in this old world. Bless their hearts…poets, writers, painters, actors, and even men shakin’ tambourines can teach us a thing or two. They teach us to see this old world through different eyes. And that can be a good thing….”
Later Teachable Gaters!
(Originally posted December 17, 2021)