The Friday Funnies! Louie and His Louis Vuitton Luggage.
Mercy me! Advice needed! For those of you who have children, what to do? Like many of my FB friends, little Louie thought we really were going on an ocean cruise to Europe.
When he discovered we weren’t, he pitched a hissy fit, threw all his packed Louis Vuitton luggage onto the living room floor, and, with his bottom lip poked out said, “Now, you clean it up!”
I did and made a Christmas tree out of it. 😂 Now, he’s on the floor in the fetal position, drinking one banana whiskey on the rocks after another, and occasionally sucking his thumb.
Thoughts? Comments? I’m thinking now I know why Mr. and Mrs. Clause didn’t have children and adopted elves instead.
Later Laughing Gaters!
(Originally published December 24, 2021)