Dispatches from Home – Dearest Gloria Now Home.

With bittersweet tears and profound sadness, I must report the passing of a dear friend, Gloria Gaines. Earlier this evening, God, in His infinite mercy and love, called dear Gloria Home. Home to Heaven. No more pain–cancer had caused her so much during the past four years. No more tears–she had shed many in private and with me on many occasions.

To the Coastal theatrical community, her passing is the passing of an era. How many costumes did she design and make? How many trouser cuffs did she hem? How many lady’s costumes did she take in, only to let them out again in another show? How often did she sew tassels or fringe to a tablecloth or drapery to dress a set? And how many times did she grumble or complain? The answer to that question is a resounding–never!

I first remember meeting dear Gloria in 1987. She created my first Scrooge nightgown and dressing gown, which I still have. In 1988, she took an old set of tails and an old dress shirt and created my next costume. She sewed Velcro on the cuffs and down the shirt front to make for an easy change. The end result was my Cabaret Emcee costume. I still have it. I wear the shirt to this good day, each time mean ol’ Mr. Scrooge needs a dress shirt; the Velcro still holds after 33 years.

I’ll always have fond memories of dear Gloria. Her laughter. Her bright, loving smile. Her sweet nature and kind heart. Her love of people, her family, her friends, her Lord and Savior, Jesus. I never heard her utter an unkind remark or see her do something distasteful or ill-mannered. I never saw her without a smile on her face and a kind word on her lips.

I saw dear Gloria twice in October of this year. Sitting in the lobby of Center Stage, there she was sewing away on one of the actor’s costumes. With a Pepsodent smile, she said, “I’m so happy to be back here doing what I love to do…sewing costumes.”

Later that month, on Center Stage’s front porch, there she was, dishing out compliments to the cast and crew. She hugged me ever so tightly. We laughed about the show, old times, old days, old friends. As she walked away into the moonlit night, she waved. “See you soon! Love you!”

Little did I know that would be the last time I would see my dear, precious, loving, kind Gloria on this side of Jordan. Au revoir, dear friend…until we meet again…someday soon.

(Originally posted December 28, 2021)

Scrooge’s nightshirt and dressing gown that dear Gloria made.
Dear Gloria — She sewed the shirt, vest, and tails into this fabulous costume. Thank you, dear lady!