The Friday Funnies – A New Year’s Zit.

This day did not start well. Bad boy Louie stumbled into the breakfast room, blurry-eyed from a raucous night of frivolity. Looking at me with a spiteful grin, he let out of peal of laughter.

“Yeehaw! You’ve got a zit on your nose the size of a ’56 Buick Special! Won’t you look cute in your tux tonight at the New Year’s Eve Ball!” Me, knowing a thing or two, bounced back with a quick retort. “That’s true! But I’m thankful for the zit. At my age, it means my hormones are still kickin’. No hormones, no zits.” Louie then said, “White hair and zits…what a combo, old man!”

Again, knowing a thing or two, I said, “Remember this, there may be snow on the roof, but there’s still fire in the chimney!” Then, bad boy Louie mumbled something that was not worth printing and passed out, face down in his Belgian waffles dripping in whipped cream and thick, delicious Vermont syrup. Not pretty! (😂)

We know not what the Fates might throw our way in the coming days, so don’t forget to take along your sense of humor. ‘Cause if you ain’t got a sense of humor, you ain’t got no sense at all! (🤓)


(Originally posted December 31, 2021)