The Friday Funnies! Assistance Needed.

While perusing my old theater scrapbook, I found this snap. Who is this guy? I seem to remember that someone who looks like him was in Center Stage’s “Sly Fox,” back in 1996. Perhaps this snap was his lobby picture, but what was he thinking!

That 1920’s hat, striped shirt and non-politically correct t-shirt (wife-beater) – – did he think he was some kind of hipster newsie channeling Stanley Kowalski?

And that thick make-up did little to cover up the ravages of time. Then there’s his chest. He needed to take a weed-whacker to that thatch. Even in the 90’s, smooth was de rigueur.

Wonder what happened to this guy? Any help in answering these questions will be appreciated.

Later Helpful Gaters!

(Originally published January 8, 2021)