The Friday Funnies! Ansel Adams’ Mississippi Cousin.

Meanwhile, in the world of great art, there’s this. The exquisite black-and-white photograph pictured is titled “Afternoon Shadows.” It was taken by the world-renowned Mississippi Gulf Coast photographer Bubba Moselle Brown-Adams. Mr. Adams is the distant country cousin, thrice removed, of the equally world-famed photographer, Ansel Adams.
Mr. Brown’s most recent exhibition was at the D’Lo Art Gallery in downtown D’Lo. It was titled “Coexisting with Fame” and consisted of 52 snaps, rendered in glorious black and white, of the celebrated outhouses of Simpson County.
However, disaster struck during one photoshoot. Aunt Pearlie Mae, caught in a tight, needed to partake of the pause that refreshes. Just as she squatted, her outhouse door flew open, and to her chagrin, much more was exposed other than her steps-ins. Those snaps were not part of the exhibition.
Have a good laugh today. It’s good for your heart and soul. Big hug.