The Friday Funnies – A Robotic Latrine.

Men! At long last, a robotic latrine for your home! The further good news is this: the latrine will monitor your output, collect the data, process it, and file it in your very own human-computer interaction unit, which can be automatically sent to the family urologist. Kidney stones, beware, you’re being monitored.

This ingenious design also incorporates a specimen collector and cleaner. One of the latrine’s most remarkable feats is its extraction/holding arms, programmed to carefully unzip your trousers and gently extract what needs to be extracted. This allows you to keep your fingers germ-free. Ah! The wonders of the modern age!

Ladies, your own robotic toilet, complete with its own wonders, is also on its way. Stay tuned for updates.

Y’all, I’m being silly, I know. I just want you to laugh and have a great day.

Big hug.

(Originally posted January 20, 2023)