Anthony Kalberg

The Friday Funnies! The Green Dress.

The Friday Funnies! The Green Dress.

I’m at wit’s end! Louie and his shenanigans are about to send me to Whitfield. Here’s the latest. I’m cleaning house and washing clothes. A load of our sheets and pillowcases comes to a whirling stop in the dryer, all hot and smelling good. “Louie!” I yell. “Please help fold the clothes.” He looks at […]

The Sunday Sermonette – Merthiolate, a Lesson in Life! 

The Sunday Sermonette – Merthiolate, a Lesson in Life! 

        For those of us who are a wee bit long in the tooth, a bottle filled with an antiseptic-smelling, red-orange liquid is more than just a nostalgic scent. It’s a time machine that whisks us back to summer days filled with scrapes, scratches, bites, and stings. That little brown bottle, a staple in […]

This and That – TV Royalty and Moi!

This and That – TV Royalty and Moi!

Good afternoon! Wow! What a fun lunch we had! I’m always humbled to find myself lunching with WLOX Retired Royalty at my favorite watering hole, The Chimneys. Great food. Great drinks. Great service. And great conversation! Y’all can sleep peacefully tonight; we solved the problems of the world. Big hug Rhonda, my dear. Big hug […]

This and That – Hello? Me Calling.

This and That – Hello? Me Calling.

“Kalberg, what were you thinking? Putting your phone numbers on Facebook. That gives tons of people access to your private information. You could open yourself up to harassment by strangers or scammers who target people by phone.” Thank you, Mr. Delk, for reminding me that the world is not as innocent as I am, even […]

This and That – Actor, author, raconteur, and fop, Anthony.

This and That – Actor, author, raconteur, and fop, Anthony.

Richard Kalnins is with Anthony W. Kalberg. In the snap below, you can see actor, author, raconteur, and fop Anthony Kalberg lounging wistfully in his opulent Gulfport manse pre-Katrina. To learn more about Anthony–and to read his articles published in Coast Magazine–visit Ordinally published July 19, 2009. You can read the Coast Magazine article in the […]

Dispatches from Home – Look Homeward, Angel.

Dispatches from Home – Look Homeward, Angel.

“A destiny that leads the English to the Dutch is strange enough; but one that leads from Epsom into Pennsylvania, and thence into the hills that shut Altamont over the proud coral cry of the cock, and the soft stone smile of an angel, is touched by that dark miracle of chance which makes new […]

The Sunday Sermonette – Faulkner and the Past!

The Sunday Sermonette – Faulkner and the Past!

Mississippi’s own William Faulkner wrote: The past is never dead. It’s not even past. That may well be. However, your past should never dictate your future. Past mistakes or failures, where you come from, or who your family is—don’t let these things dictate where you are going. Talk to God, He can help. Ponder this […]

This and That – Do you hear Whispers?

This and That – Do you hear Whispers?

While reading Psalm 36 this morning, I could not help but think about our dear country. There are those who would destroy us from within, eviscerating all that Americans hold dear, caring not how they accomplish their goals or who is murdered, or injured, or humiliated in the process. Those “Americans” hear the whispers that […]

This and That! A Fun Night For All!

This and That! A Fun Night For All!

What a fun evening at the Mary C. in Ocean Springs for the Firefly Open House! The building was filled with the smell of the chef’s scrumptious cooking and the artist’s turpentine and oils. Jazzy live music filled the rooms, as did the giggles of children creating sculptures from painted rocks. The art gallery was […]

The Sunday Sermonette – A Firm Foundation.

The Sunday Sermonette – A Firm Foundation.

       Hurricane season is upon us. With a bit of fear and trepidation, each year at this time, those of us living on the Mississippi Gulf Coast look out across the tawny-brown waters of the Gulf of Mexico and wonder what the season will hold. However, if you live near the water, you know […]

This and That – Lights in the Dark.

This and That – Lights in the Dark.

Greetings, family and friends! This evocative rendering of the Titanic’s bow underwater is new to me. Can’t count how many pictures I’ve seen of her above water, but none below. This picture was posted on the Titanic Historical Society’s FB page. My question to the members was this: Would that many lights still be lit […]

This and That – Summer Flowers for You!

This and That – Summer Flowers for You!

Good morning on this cloudy morn! From our summer flower garden to yours, here’s wishing all my FB family and friends a peaceful, stress-free week. Remember, it takes both sunshine and rain to make a rainbow. Look for the rainbow’s of life and learn to dance in the rain. Later Dancing Gaters! (Originally published July […]

This and That – Mr. Kalberg’s 1979 2nd Grade Class.

This and That – Mr. Kalberg’s 1979 2nd Grade Class.

I wrote the following in response to a Facebook post that a former student, Scott Lionberger, posted, July 11, 2012: Goodness grashus! Aviator glasses and polyester! The 70s were not a good time for fashion. 🙃 Poignant what I remember about some of the kids in this snap.      Monica Seibold’s grandparents had peacocks on […]

This and That – Butter and Concrete.

This and That – Butter and Concrete.

Thought for the Day – “The same sun that softens butter, hardens concrete.” Are you experiencing tragedy in your life? Only lemons, never lemonade? Have family or friends hurt you with their actions and words? You have a choice. Either you will soften your heart with forgiveness or hardened it with anger and hate. Do […]

THE FRIDAY FUNNIES – A Car for all Budgets!

THE FRIDAY FUNNIES – A Car for all Budgets!

Meanwhile, in other Coastal automotive news, I present this gem for your perusal. I can hear the greasy, gold-toothed car salesman’s pitch now — It’s a car for all budgets. Keep an open mind, new thinking, new possibilities. Low millage. As individual as you are. Don’t dream it…drive it. Everyday vehicle it isn’t. Fuel for […]

This and That – Baby! It’s hot!

This and That – Baby! It’s hot!

Saturday afternoon! Yard work is finally finished. Yay! But Baby, it’s hot! I’m drenched. Now, a relaxing bubble bath and then a big steak, along with a baked potato and a tall, cool glass of sweet wine. Since it’s just me, I’m pretty easy to please. Later Staying Cool Gaters. (Originally published July 9, 2022)

The Sunday Sermonette – Hope!

The Sunday Sermonette – Hope!

What are the hardships in your life? Work? Family? Friends? Relationships? Your health? Unfortunately, hardships are an inescapable part of the process we call living. How we endure them though, ah, therein lies the rub, as the Bard once wrote. One way to endure them is to moan, to groan, and complain. Oftentimes that ends […]



With pained remorse, I can hear him saying to his horrified mother, “But Mom, I was snockered and fell asleep. Don’t panic, it’s only temporary. It’s a phase I’m going through.” Please remember: In the Tattoo Parlors of Life, it’s always best to remain cognizant, sober and awake. Have a great day, y’all. Later Cognizant […]

The Sunday Sermonette – Inner Beauty.

The Sunday Sermonette – Inner Beauty.

     I have always been intrigued by stage and movie makeup. From the cotton and collodion build-ups, gum, and greasepaint that movie actor Lon Chaney used in 1926 to create his frightful “Phantom of the Opera” to the complex arrangement of prosthetics Christopher Tucker used in his remarkable 1980 movie transformation of John Hurt into […]

The Friday Funnies! Men Beware.

The Friday Funnies! Men Beware.

The Friday Funnies! Meanwhile, in other Mississippi News, there’s this. This week, a new road was christened on the outskirts of D’Lo in honor of Lorena Bobbitt by her sixth cousin, Lorraina Lopitoff, twice removed. Ms. Lopitoff was cheered by a retinue of ladies resplendent in haute couture fashions sporting handbags designed with special knife-carrying […]

This and That – A Summer’s Rainy Day.

This and That – A Summer’s Rainy Day.

Why do you like or dislike a rainy day? It’s been raining all morning, here along the Mississippi Gulf Coast. A slow, rainy rain that causes me to stop, ponder life and love, along with the eternal majesty of God’s creation that is cleansed by the raindrops and rejuvenated by the sparking water they produce. […]

This and That – Happy Fourth of July 2017.

This and That – Happy Fourth of July 2017.

Happy 4th of July to my family and friends! Here are a few words from our nation’s founders: GEORGE WASHINGTON: “It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor.” JOHN ADAMS: “We […]

Dispatches from Home – Mother’s Day 2019, My First Without You.

Dispatches from Home – Mother’s Day 2019, My First Without You.

Dear Mom, I’m sending you a letter via heavenly mail. I’m not sure how mail works up there, but I hope you get this. Happy Mother’s Day to you! It’s bittersweet not having you here to wish you this in person. The past few months without you have been lonely ones, but I’m happy to […]

Dispatches from Home – Father’s Day 2019

Dispatches from Home – Father’s Day 2019

     For those who knew my father, you know he could be quite gregarious, but only when he had something to say. Otherwise, he was hidden behind the latest issue of the Daily Error, as we old-timers loving call our local fish wrapper. If not reading the paper, he was enjoying a good book, usually […]

This and That – Single Women With Children.

This and That – Single Women With Children.

In Tuesday’s local fish wrapper, there was an article about growing poverty across the country; “Mississippi sees surge in hardship.” The article mentioned a woman and her four children; a large snap of her and the children accompanied the article. The woman only earns $24,000 a year and can’t make ends meets. Apparently “ends” were […]

This and That – Russell “P” Potter!

This and That – Russell “P” Potter!

Evening Folks! What a delightful lunch I had today with my dear friend, Russell “P” Potter! He’s home safe and sound from faraway lands, and I’m happy to report that he’s back in Atlanta! I would have taken a newer snap of him and one of us too, but–alas–he nor I could figure out how […]

This and That – The Constitution and the Rule of Law.

This and That – The Constitution and the Rule of Law.

Good afternoon on this rainy day. Once again, my former pastor, Dr. Dean Register, has posted a very thought-provoking post. Many will laugh or scoff at his words, others will shake their heads in dismay, some may agree. We are all entitled to our opinions, at least for the time being anyway. I agree about […]

The Sunday Sermonette – Composure.

The Sunday Sermonette – Composure.

Maintaining your composure in the face of unjustified criticism is a trying, emotional drain. However, if you can’t stop the criticism, it’s best just to ignore it. Remember: The Good Lord knows what you are going through. He will vindicate you if you’re in the right. Ponder this and go forth. (Originally published July 3, […]

THE FRIDAY FUNNIES -Young Ambitious Tots!

THE FRIDAY FUNNIES -Young Ambitious Tots!

Just think, my young, ambitious tots: if you apply yourself, get a good education, and keep your nose clean, you too will be able to buy a cool pair of fashionable granny glasses, wear cool sweater vests, and let your hair grow luxuriously long. And then, late in life, you’ll ponder this eternal question…what was […]

The Sunday Sermonette – Summertime Plums.

The Sunday Sermonette – Summertime Plums.

When I was a child, I spent many happy summers with my sweet Granny from D’Lo, who, at that time, lived in Jackson, Mississippi. Many a summer morning, I’d look out my bedroom window at her plum trees, hoping that by some mysterious alchemy in the night, the tart, yellow-green plums had turned a juicy […]

This and That – Willoughby.

This and That – Willoughby.

Greertign! As a child, The Twilight Zone was one of my favorite TV shows! Sometimes insightful, sometimes a wee bit frightening but always entertaining, the show is a classic. Rod Serling, the show’s host, stated that “A Stop at Willoughby” was his favorite show of the first season. The story-line is this: A businessman, tired […]

The Friday Funnies – Twin Cheeks

The Friday Funnies – Twin Cheeks

The Friday Funnies – Remember the 90’s TV show Twin Peaks? I saw this man in Walmart this morning and, from his attire, assumed he must be auditioning for a new TV series: Twin Cheeks. Remember: Nothing compares to the stomach ache you get from laughing with good friends. Later “Cheeky” Gaters! (Originally published June […]

This and That – Ol’ Miss Baseball!

This and That – Ol’ Miss Baseball!

Greetings! For those who know me, you know I’m not an ardent sports fan.  I can, however, enjoy a snap taken during a game, and this snap takes the cake…or should I say the baseball?  Congrats to Ol’ Miss’ ball team for their win over Oklahoma and John Peterson AP for his amazing, gravity-defying snap. Later Baseball […]

This and That – The Pox and the Stimulus Check.

This and That – The Pox and the Stimulus Check.

Greetings! According to the local fishwrapper, “Almost $1.4 billion in corona virus stimulus payments went to 1.1 million dead Americans, the Government Accountability Office said Thursday. The Internal Revenue Service typically uses Social Security death records to weed out fraudulent tax return claims. But the IRS and the Treasury Department did not use the death […]

THE FRIDAY FUNNIES – Charlie Chan’s One Smart Man.

THE FRIDAY FUNNIES – Charlie Chan’s One Smart Man.

The Friday Funnies! Charlie Chan say, “He who learns to take whatever life sends with smile, has learned lesson worth more than gold.” Don’t forget to smile today, y’all. Even when your eyes are swollen shut! Later Smiling Gaters! (Originally published June 25, 2021)

The Sunday Sermonette — The Titanic and the Titan.

The Sunday Sermonette — The Titanic and the Titan.

In the weeks leading up to Titanic’s maiden voyage, many people had premonitions about the ship and the excessive pride and confidence its owners and the world bestowed upon the “unsinkable” liner. George Vanderbilt, the builder of Biltmore, was warned by his mother that “so much can go wrong” on a maiden voyage. Her premonition […]

This and That – The Late Afternoon Sun.

This and That – The Late Afternoon Sun.

I love a late summer afternoon. The sun, burning down through an orangy-yellow haze, fades into slumber. A warm breeze from the Gulf ruffles the leaves in the trees. And a cool glass of sweet wine conjures whimsical dreams in the mind. Life is good. Thank you, Father God, for it. Big hug. (Originally published […]

This and That – Dear Juliana.

This and That – Dear Juliana.

Greetings I’ve just returned from a delightful evening of theatrical entertainment at the Biloxi Little Theater! Two people walked on stage, sat down, and read from a script for two hours. No blocking or costumes. Just two people reading old love letters, hence the title of the show “Love Letters.” I was enthralled! Thank-You Juliana […]

This and That – Frankenstein and me.

This and That – Frankenstein and me.

Greetings, Mr. DeMIlle! Sorry, I’m not ready for my close up. But I’m planning on auditioning for Frankenstein. Alas, my agent has already called and informed me that my upcoming front page layout for Gentlemen’s Quarterly magazine has been canceled. Later Understanding Gaters! (Originally posted June 22, 2021)

Dispatches from Home – Old-time Funnies.

Dispatches from Home – Old-time Funnies.

Dear friends, you know that I love stores from the Great Depression! Here are some old-time preacher stories via The Simpson County News. In the 1930s, Preacher Blair met a bootlegger on the streets of Mize, Mississippi. The bootlegger waved a $100 bill in the preacher’s face and said, “I know you won’t accept this […]

This and That – Speakers of Evil.

This and That – Speakers of Evil.

Thought for the Day: You may not be able to keep people from speaking evil against you, but you can at least stop supplying them with ammunition! As long as you do what is right, their accusations will be empty and only embarrass them. Keep your conduct above criticism. Later Thinking Gaters! (Originally published June […]

This and That – Faded Grandeur. Gilded Memories.

This and That – Faded Grandeur. Gilded Memories.

Greetings! The Duckett Gallery and I extend a warm welcome to you. We invite you to join us on a voyage to yesteryear when floating palaces sailed the world’s seas, taking passengers to exotic destinations, fascinating ports of call, and new lives full of hope and promise. Warm Regards, Anthony Wayne Kalberg DATE: June 27th, […]

This and That – Theater Bio.

This and That – Theater Bio.

Greetings! I’ve been ask to write a theatrical bio for myself. I dislike bios…it always seems like a person is bragging. That’s not my intent. The little grey cells aren’t what they use to be. Did I leave out something major? Later Helpful Gaters! By way of introduction, my name’s Anthony Wayne Kalberg, known among […]



For your perusal today, I submit a snap of moi during my heady college days at William Carey College, now a university. After a raucous night of carousing around town, I was then and there convinced that the Apostle Paul was right: all things in moderation. No more Baptist beer for moi! Perhaps poet and […]

This and That – Bambi, Hilton Head, and Moi!

This and That – Bambi, Hilton Head, and Moi!

Greetings! I’ve just returned from a fantastic week at Hilton Head Island with dear friends, the Signs’. Bambi and Thumper send their regards. 🙂 It’s always good to get away for awhile, but good to get back home too. Later Happy Gaters! (P.S. I’m not hobbling around on one leg. It’s tucked behind me. 😉) […]

Dispatches from Home – Father’s Day 2019. 

Dispatches from Home – Father’s Day 2019. 

For those who knew my father, you know he could be quite gregarious, but only when he had something to say. Otherwise, he was hidden behind the latest issue of the Daily Error, as we old-timers loving call our local fish wrapper. If not reading the paper, he was enjoying a good book, usually one […]

 The Sunday Sermonette – Father’s Day 2024.

 The Sunday Sermonette – Father’s Day 2024.

When I first tread the boards at Gulfport Little Theater in the mid-70s, my dear parents came to the shows I was in. They never stayed for the after-show greetings in the lobby and were some of the first out the door, heading home. As my theatrical endeavors increased, they continued to attend every show. […]

This and That – The Titanic Cherub.

This and That – The Titanic Cherub.

Good afternoon, Titanic fans! The latest issue of The Titanic Commutator—the official magazine of the Titanic Historical Society—contains a fascinating article about the statue that once graced the Titanic’s grand staircase. Alan St. George ( has recreated it in minute detail. The article tells the history of the statue’s creation and its muse, so to […]

The Sunday Sermonette – A Tender Voice.

The Sunday Sermonette – A Tender Voice.

     Who remembers their first answering machine? Do you remember recording your outgoing message and replacing the cassette when it filled up with recorded messages? While rummaging around in my garage, I found an old box of answering machine tapes, some dating back to the 1980s. Talk about memories!      I remember what fun I […]

Dispatches from Home – D-Day 75th anniversary.

Dispatches from Home – D-Day 75th anniversary.

About a week ago, I watched “Saving Private Ryan” for the first time. For those who have seen the movie, you know that the opening scene depicts the landing in all its gory, bloody horror. The screams of the dying and the shouts of the living to move forward under withering machine gun fire are […]

This and That – Blanche DuBose and Godzilla!

This and That – Blanche DuBose and Godzilla!

Good afternoon! In “A Streetcar Named Desire,” Blanche states: “I don’t want realism…I want magic.” I have found that when life’s sky is grey and cloudy, it’s best to take dear Blanche’s words to heart–escape the realism and look for the magic. With that in mind, I accepted an invitation from David Delk to see […]

Dispatches from Home – Happy Birthday, Mom and Dad!

Dispatches from Home – Happy Birthday, Mom and Dad!

Today, June 6th, would have been my dear mother’s 95th birthday, had God not called her Home on a rainy-cold February morning in 2019. My dear father’s 95th birthday would have been in April of this year, had God not called him Home on a freezing-cold January afternoon in 1997. Thankfully, I was holding their […]

Dispatches from Home – Happy 96th Birthday Mom!

Dispatches from Home – Happy 96th Birthday Mom!

I picked these flowers just for you. Remember when you, Granny, and I planted hydrangeas on the north side of the house in 1962? They’re still there, lovely flowery bundles of pale, azure blue. Happy to report the snappy zinnias and the lush caladiums that you so loved are thriving. And the crape myrtles that […]