Anthony Kalberg

Dispatches from Home – The Demon of Creativity!

Dispatches from Home – The Demon of Creativity!

Why are some of the most gifted, talented artists, writers, actors, and musicians – like Van Gogh, Hemingway, Robin Williams, and Mozart – seemingly possessed by “demons”?       Could the demons in their minds be the very essence of their creativity, the driving force behind the beauty in their works of art, the power in […]

This and That – Amadeus!

This and That – Amadeus!

Just returned from seeing Biloxi Little Theater’s production of Amadeus. It’s a great show with a great cast! Ryan Reinike, as Salieri, is, in my humble opinion, amazingly brilliant! His “bloody” suicide scene caused me to gasp! So simple! So amazing! And then there’s Boyce Deaton; he’s a delight as Mozart. This young man flips […]



For your perusal, I present this picture of an old coot who’s napping on the taxpayer’s dime! Thankfully, all Mississippi State Employees are not this derelict in their duties! Due to his office’s officious decor, he most likely thinks he can take such liberties when and where he wishes. Of course, there’s always one eager-beaver […]

This and That – The Hourglass of Time.

This and That – The Hourglass of Time.

Sometimes, I wish I could pour molasses into the hourglass of time, stopping the dripping sands,      Wouldn’t that be sublime? Time marches forward, though, with its relentless, ceaseless drain,      Still, I dance in the rain and sip champagne. I look forward to each sunset, robed in orange and blue,       And await each […]

The Friday Funnies -With Apologies to Mr. Serling.

The Friday Funnies -With Apologies to Mr. Serling.

I was traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. It was a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries were that of imagination – my next stop was the Twilight Zone! And Honey, let me tell you!! What a Twilight Zone journey it was!! Remember this: If […]

Dispatches from Home: The First Day of June, 2020.

Dispatches from Home: The First Day of June, 2020.

I love this month—warm days, somewhat cool nights, a respite before the onslaught of a sticky-hot, south Mississippi summer! I also love lilies and caladiums. It gives me great pleasure to lovingly plant the bulbs in winter. Then, in early spring, their little, bushy-green haloes slowly emerge from God’s rich earth. Their pinks, greens, and […]

This and That – The Santa Rosa and the Titanic.

This and That – The Santa Rosa and the Titanic.

The SS Santa Rosa was a passenger and cargo liner built for the Grace Line for operation by its subsidiary Panama Mail Steamship Company of San Francisco. She was launched in 1932. After her WWII service she underwent repair and refit at the Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock Company. She was returned to Grace Line […]

This and That – Ricky Latch, A Fond Remembrance.

This and That – Ricky Latch, A Fond Remembrance.

I was saddened to read the article about dear Ricky’s fatal car crash. I first met Ricky at auditions for SCROOGE THE MUSICAL in the fall of 1987. The show was directed by Kinard Fite for the Friends of the Saenger. To the day God called Ricky Home, he was one of the kindest, most […]

This and That – Critical Race Theory

This and That – Critical Race Theory

Pastor Dean Register is spot on! “Listen carefully and do not drift blithely into an approaching darkness. The Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality (CRT/I) that is being readily embraced by secular progressives, widely broadcast by media outlets and pushed into school systems is actually a regressive wolf dressed in sheep’s skin. It does not enhance […]

The Sunday Sermonette: Memorial Day 2024.

The Sunday Sermonette: Memorial Day 2024.

Some soldiers lie in hallowed ground,      Beneath rows of crosses white. Death can no longer touch them,      With his blackened wings of fright. Others lie in less hallowed ground,      Beneath the hard, cold sod. Their final resting place unknown,      Except by Holy God. Yet, soldiers are still called today,      And […]

This and That – Making the most of the Pox May 26, 2020.

This and That – Making the most of the Pox May 26, 2020.

Mornin’ Y’all! Confined to quarters has been a productive time for moi. I put the final touches on the morning room; so named because the morning sunshine through the windows is such a delight. And yes I know…the morning room looks like one of my sets. That being said, for the most part, I like […]

The Friday Funnies! Our new Sunglassess.

The Friday Funnies! Our new Sunglassess.

Bad Boy Louie and I went shopping for new sunglasses for an upcoming trip we’re taking…well…sorta. I, of course, chose a classic pair of Polo sunshades, always fashionable and in style. However, true to form, Louie, the fashionista, chose the most expensive, stylish pair of Louis Vuitton sunshades in the shop. Driving home, he was […]

The Friday Funnies! The Sneaky Snake!

The Friday Funnies! The Sneaky Snake!

Ah, yes! It appears summer’s just around the corner. Hot days at the beach. Delicious cookouts around the pool. And sneaky snakes in the grass. Yes, he’s there. Can you find him? Don’t cheat and enlarge the picture. 🙃 While looking for Sir Snake, here are a few snake jokes guaranteed to make you laugh. […]

This and That: Is the Sequence Beginning?

This and That: Is the Sequence Beginning?

Greetings, my fellow Americans. Interesting what Mr. Tytler predicted about democracies. Is this what is happening to our dear country in the 21st Century? Alexander Tytler, an 18th Century Scottish economist said, “Democracies last about 200 years and progress through the following sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith From spiritual faith to great courage, From […]

Dispatches from Home – Dispatches…the Beginning.

Dispatches from Home – Dispatches…the Beginning.

Good evening! Many of you have sent me kind words concerning my scribbles, as I call them. Sometimes silly, sometimes sad, but hopefully always entertaining, they are my little dispatches from home. That’s going to be the title of my next literary endeavor: Dispatches from Home. A new book? No, not that. Just a line […]

The Sunday Sermonette – Kicked to the Curb!

The Sunday Sermonette – Kicked to the Curb!

       Some time ago, I went “antiquing.” It was a beautiful early spring morning; the trees were budding, daffodils were blooming, and, to paraphrase Mr. Browning, “God was in his Heaven, and all was right with the world.” It was until I saw a stack of oil paintings leaning against a garage wall at […]

This and That – One and Twenty.

This and That – One and Twenty.

Good evening! At night, for the past several weeks, I’ve been watching The Twilight Zone. Mercy me what memories it conures–Mom and Dad on the sofa and me on the floor in the living room watching the weekly installments. Mr. Serling’s brilliant, evocative screenplays still warm or chill the heart, challenge the mind and are […]

This and That – Dear Lord, Forgive Me.

This and That – Dear Lord, Forgive Me.

Today’s Bible reading was Luke 6, Verses 37-42. In these verses, Jesus taught about judging others. The commentary on these passages said: “A forgiving spirit demonstrates that a person has received God’s forgiveness. If we are critical rather than compassionate, we will also receive criticism. If we treat others generously, graciously, and compassionately, however, these […]

This and That – Reflections On Turning Sixty-Five!

This and That – Reflections On Turning Sixty-Five!

When I was a child in the late 50s, I often spent summers with my sweet Granny from D’Lo. Many a morning I’d hear moans and groans as she got out of bed. To my young mind, something was wrong. “Granny, are you okay?” To this good day I still remember her answer: “Honey, when […]

This and That – Mother’s Day May 14, 2017.

This and That – Mother’s Day May 14, 2017.

This Mother’s Day we spent at home. The demons of dementia are respecters of none, nor do they honor a special day set aside to honor our dear mothers. And this weekend, those demons have been very active, dashing around in my dear mother’s mind, snatching bits and pieces of her memory, jumbling them up […]

The Sunday Sermonette: Motherhood

The Sunday Sermonette: Motherhood

Greetings, Family and Friends! Happy Mother’s Day to our mothers, those living and those who have passed away. My dear mother wrote this poem while attending Clark College in 1946. She typed it on an old Remington typewriter, along with her other poems and thoughts on many subjects. She and her friends were in a […]

This and That: Thought for the Day.

This and That: Thought for the Day.

You know you’re getting old when antique shops sell the toys you played with as a child for big bucks. It’s Saturday night, and you’d just soon stay home and watch 50-year-old reruns of Lawrence Welk. And…you don’t recognize a single name in the Today’s Birthday Section of our local fishwrapper. Remember: Growing old is […]

This and That: You’re Home, My Child.

This and That: You’re Home, My Child.

I just returned from the picture show after watching Kenneth Branagh’s remake of Agatha Christie’s classic tale “Murder on the Orient Express.”  While watching the movie, I could not help but think of a time in the not-too-distant future–when my dear mother no longer needs me–when I, too, may take a long train ride in […]

The Friday Funnies! Louie and My New Reading Glasses.

The Friday Funnies! Louie and My New Reading Glasses.

  ATTENTION! RUNAWAY CHILD! So I asked Louie if he thought my new reading glasses would make me look old. With a finger snap, he said, “You are old! You’re 72!”      With a sweet smile, I reminded Bad Boy Louie that he was 73 years older than me…and…had not changed clothes during all that […]

The Friday Funnies! (Originally published May 7, 2021.)

The Friday Funnies! (Originally published May 7, 2021.)

The Friday Funnies! – In 46 years of performing in local theater productions, I’ve learned this: there’s always one wiseacre who finds pleasure in practical jokes. I submit the following snap as evidence. The place, Gulfport Little Theater’s makeup room. The 1976 production, The Music Man. The practical joke, industrial-strength allium in my cold-cream jar. […]

Dispatches from Home! My Last Performance.

Dispatches from Home! My Last Performance.

Dispatches from Home! My Last Performance. Forty-nine years ago this month, it all began. There was a phone call. A request to audition. Some cajoling to do so. Then there were the rehearsals. Learning music. Memorizing lines. Getting fitted for a costume. There was a silly wig. And silly shoes. Opening Night rolled around. The […]

The Sunday Sermonette: Acts of Kindness.

The Sunday Sermonette: Acts of Kindness.

We live in a society where selfishness rules the day. In this dog-eat-dog-eat world, we are surrounded by self-absorbed people who care nothing for others and only do things that benefit themselves. Many times, though, unselfish acts of kindness remind us of the goodness in humanity. They can also remind us that it is always […]

This and That: Mr. Colbert…Really!

This and That: Mr. Colbert…Really!

Friends in the know—we are truly living in the Last Day, as spoken of in the Book of Revelation. What’s listed below is a prime example of a complete breakdown in mortality and civility, not to mention…just good, old-fashioned manners. And to my “Liberal” friends who will deluge my post with a myriad of “Well…the […]

This and That – The Great Gatsby

This and That – The Great Gatsby

Greetings! 1974’s “The Great Gatsby” is my favorite movie version of Fitzgerald’s iconic novel. It paints a lush backdrop for the greed, cynicism, and the mind less pursuit of pleasure that are key themes in the novel. Robert Redford, as Gatsby, is shown here in his pink suit. I wonder if men really wore pink […]

The Friday Funnies! (Originally published May 5, 2023)

The Friday Funnies! (Originally published May 5, 2023)

The Friday Funnies! I know y’all! So don’t raise your right eyebrow at me and say, “Andy! What were you thinking! Postin’ this picture! It’s lude and not very nice!” () Liar, liar pants on fire. Right after you read this, y’all are gonna make a list, check it twice, and list everyone you’d like […]

This and That – The Stage of Life.

This and That – The Stage of Life.

Seniors 2020 – Here’s a triad of my graduation snaps…Kindergarten, High School, and College. What do I remember? The Kindergarten gown itched. The High School mortarboard was too big. The College snap reminds me that I once had a full head of hair. For the Seniors whose graduation has been altered due to the “pox,” […]

The Sunday Sermonette – Mistakes. (Originally published April 30, 2023)

The Sunday Sermonette – Mistakes. (Originally published April 30, 2023)

Richard Jones, a naval engineer, was trying to invent a meter using tension springs to monitor power on maritime battleships. One of the springs fell off a table but bounced around the room. From this mistake, the Slinky was born. Working for the 3M Laboratories, Spencer Silver was trying to invent a strong adhesive but […]

Les Miserables! (Originally published April 23, 2016)

Les Miserables! (Originally published April 23, 2016)

I just finished watching the movie version of this magnificent musical and was once again swept up in the beauty and majesty of its music and its story of redemption.       As I listened, I could not help but remember the first time I saw this delectable feast of sights and sounds. That was […]

The Friday Funnies! (Originally published April 23, 2023)

The Friday Funnies! (Originally published April 23, 2023)

Will Rogers, who died in a 1935 plane crash with pilot, Wiley Post, was one of the greatest political country/cowboy sages this country has ever known. Here are some of his best. Just good, old-fashioned humor. There’s no sex, no profanity, or humor at someone else’s expense. How refreshing. Alas, gone are the days. 1. […]

The Sunday Sermonette: Erased.

The Sunday Sermonette: Erased.

     Joseph Stalin. The name alone conjures evil. And evil he was. Stalin ruled Russia for twenty-five years, instituting a reign of death and terror that by the time it ended, an estimated twenty million people had been killed, either directly or indirectly, through famine, forced labor camps, and executions.      Over 750,000 people alone […]

The Friday Funnies! April 26, 2024.

The Friday Funnies! April 26, 2024.

Meanwhile, in other news! So, I’m asked to bring a potato dish to our Supper Club. I did. The snap below best indicates the reaction I received. Oy Vey! Pampered food snobs…what ja gonna do? Gotta love ‘em, though. Today, while eating at McDonald’s or Mary Mahoney’s, don’t forget to do yourself a favor and […]

This and That – Mornings with Granny.

This and That – Mornings with Granny.

As a little boy, I spent summers with my sweet Granny from D’Lo, Mississippi. Each morning started with the smell of bacon and eggs frying in an old black skillet and the smell of coffee filling the air. We’d sit at her little breakfast table, say our blessing, and dive into the delicious breakfast she […]

The Friday Funnies! Originally published April 23, 2021.

The Friday Funnies! Originally published April 23, 2021.

Yikes! And double yikes! Whatever happened to quality in our dear country? I’ve had these gym workout gloves for only 25 years, and now I have to buy a new pair. I was hoping to get at least another ten years out of them. I am heartbroken. () Remember, the Good Book says, ““A merry […]

The Sunday Sermonette – Lingering Scars. April 23, 2023.

The Sunday Sermonette – Lingering Scars. April 23, 2023.

“Sorry, Mr. Kalberg. Once I got to digging, I had to cut much deeper than I thought I would.” “Doc, this hole in my head! Will it heal properly? Will it leave a scar?” “Yes, it will heal just fine.” Then with a wry smile, the doctor said, “Sorry about the scar.” “Yikes! Why was […]

Dispatches from Home – Bullies. (Originally published April 22, 2012)

Dispatches from Home – Bullies. (Originally published April 22, 2012)

Here’s the question: Are you a bully? Or were you the victim of one? I was the latter. Reading about the poor teenager whose life has been irrevocably changed due to a spinal injury, the result of a bully’s fist punch to the boy’s abdomen, conjured memories of my High School days in the 1960s. […]

THE FRIDAY FUNNIES! Good news, bad news.

THE FRIDAY FUNNIES! Good news, bad news.

I spoke with my plastic surgeon, asking him if he could perhaps help me look 65 again. He flashed an intense light on my sagging face, poked around my puffy eyelids, pinched my neck wrinkles, and then, with a sadistic smile, said, “I don’t think I’ve got that much caulk and epoxy glue.” I was […]

The Sunday Sermonette – Help Me to Sing.

The Sunday Sermonette – Help Me to Sing.

          When I wander where I shouldn’t, please, Father God, help me to sing – Come home, come home, you who are weary come home. Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling, calling, O sinner, come home!      When I ponder the world and its madness therein, please, Father God, help me to sing – Blessed […]

Retirement – April 18, 2014.

Retirement – April 18, 2014.

Attention! It’s official! I’m going back to work at the Department of Human Services. After ten years of retirement, I’ve been so busy that returning to work will be like a vacation. (Just kidding! I’m liking retirement too much. ) April 18, 2014—retirement! It seems like yesterday, I was walking out the door for the […]

Dispatches from Home – The “Why” of Titanic.

Dispatches from Home – The “Why” of Titanic.

In 1865, the Sultana, a Mississippi riverboat loaded with Civil War wounded, exploded and burned; over 1,500 died. In 1914, the Empress of Ireland collided with another ship; 1,012 died. In 1915, the Lusitania was torpedoed by a German submarine; 1,200 died. In 1940, the Lancastria, part of the Dunkirk evacuation, was hit by the […]

The Sunday Sermonette: Messages Ignored.

The Sunday Sermonette: Messages Ignored.

At 2:18 on the morning of April 15, 1912, the lights on board RMS Titanic flickered and went out forever, plunging her luxurious interiors into darkness, along with over 1500 passengers, all clamoring for a spot on her rising stern. The screams of those aboard echoed through the inky blackness of the starry nighttime sky. […]

The Friday Funnies – April 15, 2023.

The Friday Funnies – April 15, 2023.

Note to self. Self, next Easter, please remember that just because it looks like a chocolate-covered Easter Egg on a stick tied with pretty ribbon and covered in a candied-yellow shell, it might not be all it seems! However, you’ll be happy to know, dear friends and family, that one bite and the taste of […]

Dispatches from Home – The Last Dinner on the Titanic

Dispatches from Home – The Last Dinner on the Titanic

On Sunday night, April 14, 1912, George and Eleanor Widener hosted one of the most famous dinner parties on board the Titanic in the ship’s elegant À la Carte Restaurant. The room was the last word in luxury. The tables were set with fresh flowers, bone china, and sterling silver. The amber-ish glow of crystal […]

The Sunday Sermonette – The Last Sunset.

The Sunday Sermonette – The Last Sunset.

      Easter, 1912, fell on April 7th. England’s magnificent cathedrals would have been packed, their soaring, columned interiors filled with the sweet bouquet of incense and majestic choral music. But on the RMS Titanic, its luxurious interiors were being readied for her maiden voyage.          30,000 fresh eggs, 800 cases of shelled walnuts, and 15,000 […]

DISPATCHES FROM HOME – Tea and Sympathy.

DISPATCHES FROM HOME – Tea and Sympathy.

As I enter my “golden” years, I often sit in the still quiet of the morning, a hot cup of coffee in my hand, pondering what the future holds and the past reveals.Thoughts of the future usually find me traveling down a bumpy road, ending in a dead-end. It’s best to leave those thoughts at […]

Dispatches from Home: The Nazi’s Titanic.

Dispatches from Home: The Nazi’s Titanic.

In the aftermath of the Titanic disaster, the ship became a metaphor for all of society’s misfortunes. The years leading up to the sinking had been excessively optimistic. Rich and poor alike put their faith in technological advances, believing mankind had reached the zenith of its knowledge. As one Titanic crew member stated, “God Himself […]

Dispatches from Home – The Titanic’s Unknown Child. 

Dispatches from Home – The Titanic’s Unknown Child. 

On a foggy, cold day, April 17, 1912, the cable-laying ship Mackay-Bennett steamed out of Halifax, Nova Scotia. Her destination was the arctic-cold North Atlantic. Her job was to search for and recover the bodies of the Titanic’s dead passengers. The crew aboard, all volunteers, were paid double for this sad, grisly task.      The […]

This and That: Women in Church Leadership.

This and That: Women in Church Leadership.

While reading the story of Christ’s birth, as recorded by St. Luke, I found it interesting that two women–Mary and Elizabeth, humble housewives–were the first to hear of the coming Savior, not men. And on that first Resurrection Morning, women also discovered that Christ did exactly as He said He would–rise from the grave in […]

Dispatches from Home: Titanic – The Old Curiosity Shop.

Dispatches from Home: Titanic – The Old Curiosity Shop.

Like Dickens’ old curiosity shop, my little house is a repository of battered antiques, ruined finery, and dusty memories. Because less is best in interior design these days, when I shuffle off this mortal coil, my treasures may bring a buck-fifty at a garage sale. (Big Smile!) However, my collection of Titanic memorabilia might bring […]

The Sunday Sermonette- Expiration Dates.

The Sunday Sermonette- Expiration Dates.

     In June 1962, Mom, Dad, and I moved into our house on Wilson Drive in the College Park Subdivision. Vast stretches of College Park were then nothing more than palmetto-invested pine thickets crisscrossed by streets. I remember seeing our new house for the first time. Naturally, I bounced ahead of my parents and dashed […]

Dispatches from Home: Prophecies, Bad Omens, and a Lucky Pig.

Dispatches from Home: Prophecies, Bad Omens, and a Lucky Pig.

“I don’t believe in fortune-tellers!” Edith said, sitting in the gilded splendor of Madame de Thebes’ Parisian salon, the most famous fortune-teller of the late 19th Century. “I shall predict your fortune anyway,” the lady said in the flickering candlelight, her voice low, her stare intense. “You are about to go through a dreadful experience. […]

This and That: Oliver…A Dream Come True.

This and That: Oliver…A Dream Come True.

Good morning! Muchas gracias. Merci beaucoup. Molte grazie. Dankeschön. Dankjewel. Muito obrigado. Teşekkür ederim. Благодарю. Stokrotne dzięki. Mahalo. Arigatou gozaimasu. 谢谢. From Spanish to Russian, Hawaiian to Mandarin Chinese, the words are the same: THANK YOU! I’m out of superlatives regarding words of praise for Biloxi Little Theater, along with my dear CAST and CREW, […]

This and That: A Misty Afternoon Memory.

This and That: A Misty Afternoon Memory.

What a delightful afternoon! Sitting in my loneliness at the Biloxi Half Shell Oyster House, imagine my surprise when this lovely young lady suddenly appeared, as if out of the blue, and said, “Sir, may I sit and have lunch with you? You look like an older version of someone I knew and loved, long […]

Dispatches from Home: The Titanic – A Bejeweled Book, a Naked Lady, and a Mummy’s Curse. 

Dispatches from Home: The Titanic – A Bejeweled Book, a Naked Lady, and a Mummy’s Curse. 

       Deep within the submerged rusting hulk of the Titanic rests one of the world’s rarest books, a monumental painting of a naked lady and a mysterious mummy’s curse. Because the Titanic was practically unsinkable, so said the White Star Line, she was considered a safe haven for everything from objets d’art to expensive […]

The Friday Funnies!

The Friday Funnies!

The Friday Funnies! Meanwhile, in other news! Mayors on the Mississippi Gulf Coast have declared March 22, 2024, Pothole Appreciation Day! Although a nuisance, with a bit of ingenuity, aggravating potholes can be transformed into spots of enjoyment. The snap indicates a suggested spot. (Swimsuits are optional.) Sometimes you just gotta take what you got […]

Dispatches from Home – A Cat with a Premonition.

Dispatches from Home – A Cat with a Premonition.

Because by the Titanic’s grandeur, the glamour of its 1st Class passengers, and the immigrant dreams of those in steerage, everything from its rivets to its china patterns has been scrutinized. But what about the ship’s famous cat and the little bow-wows on board for that fateful voyage? There were 12 canines on board the […]

The Sunday Sermonette – No Greater Love.

The Sunday Sermonette – No Greater Love.

Is there anything cuter than a little baby? Squiggling around. Cooing. Smiling a toothless grin. Squealing with joy. Little arms stretched out, wanting to be held. And then, something that’s not supposed to happen, happens. The child’s heart begins a downward spiral for no apparent reason. Doctors rush in. Tests are completed. The baby’s sedated. […]

Dispatches from Home – Battles.

Dispatches from Home – Battles.

When the word, battle, is spoken, what comes to mind? Perhaps famous conflicts like the Battles of Yorktown and Gettysburg, the Battle of Verdun, the Normandy Invasion of WWII, or the Tet Offensive? But other battles are often fought alone, battles of the mind: depression and fear, panic, loneliness, and anger. However, the famous battles […]

The Friday Funnies – March 26 2021.

The Friday Funnies – March 26 2021.

Do you have a crazy uncle? I do, and his name is Cuthbert Alowishus Kalberg. As a child, when I visited him during Christmas, I remember thinking how strange he looked—fez for a hat, velvet dressing gown with a fox-fur collar, pallid face, wrinkles galore, and matted beard! Yikes! When I hugged him, I was […]

Dispatches from Home – Happy Birthday, Mr. Williams!

Dispatches from Home – Happy Birthday, Mr. Williams!

March 26, 1911 – Happy Birthday, Mr. Williams! Some years ago, I was asked why I wanted to direct “A Streetcar Named Desire.” I told her it was because of the play’s characters and what made them honest and authentic. Mr. Williams saw into their souls and allowed us to see their pain, hope, and […]