Dispatches from Home: The Show Closes.

The snap I’ve posted below shows Scrooge’s little world for the past two weeks. Neatly arranged—of course—are the accouterments of his trade, after all. The old boy did his best to entertain the audience that nightly filled the theater to overflowing. However, he was only a tiny part of the show.

Had it not been for his fellow actors, who, night after night, displayed their unique talents by holding the show together with their meticulous set changes, the show would have never come together. Along with the set changes were the cast’s lightning-flash costume changes, which added so much to the show.

And hovering in the wings, like a mother hen, was our dear stage manager, Saumari, who found what we’d lost, reminded us of where we should be, and was always there when help was needed.

Old Scrooge felt privileged to have tread the boards with such talent, on stage and off. Thank you to ALL those who helped bring this fun-filled show to the stage!

The show’s closed now. Lights out. Set dismantled. Cast and crew gone home. The show will fade into people’s memory in a month or two, replaced by another show, another cast, and another cornucopia of memories. As the theater sages say, “You’re only as good as your last show.”

Last show for old Mr. Scrooge, perhaps? If so, this would be an excellent show on which to take one final bow and end a long line of impressive performances, to remember all the appreciative audiences, and to remember all the theater friends made, many of whom have been called Home. But most of all, to ponder 47 years of memories — those happy and sad, those bitter and sweet, but for the most part, those lovingly remembered. Big hug, y’all.

(Originally published December 12, 2022.)

Ye ol’ makeup room.

A montage of the show.

Dear friends from the First Baptist Church of Gulfport.

Dr. Jimmy Stewart and his dear wife, Janice, at the show.

“Blanche” and “Stanley” at the show.

Chuck Kelly and dear Shannon at the show.

Dear Britney at the show.

The Billings Family.

The Old Boy’s face was plastered all over town. LOL!

Christmas Present, dear Debbie, with her friends, along with dear David, who played Cratchett.