Les Miserables! (Originally published April 23, 2016)
I just finished watching the movie version of this magnificent musical and was once again swept up in the beauty and majesty of its music and its story of redemption.
As I listened, I could not help but remember the first time I saw this delectable feast of sights and sounds. That was twenty years ago, come June, and little did I know, as I sat in that darkened theater, that my life was about to take a turn down a long, dark path that eventually led to my complete collapse; a time when I thought death was sweeter than life.
But like Jean Valjean’s long struggle for redemption, I found my way to the end of that dark path, and I rediscovered the people who meant the world to me – my loving family, my loving friends, but most of all, God, who loved me enough to send His only Son to die for my sins.
And because He did, I may “dream a dream” of times gone by, but know that because of God, there is “one day more.” That grand and glorious day when He will call me Home, where, like Jean Valjean, I will be forever redeemed, forever loved, and know that “to love another person is to see the face of God.” To love…as God first loved us!