The Sunday Sermonette March 13, 2022. Oft time we allow past experiences to determine our future actions. If we had one bad experience at a local restaurant, we vow to never return. If we go our socially or to church and no one speaks to us, we tend to think all social events and all churches are like this. It is then that bitterness and unhappiness can creep into our lives.
Ever watched a child learning to ride a bicycle? Does the child fall, skinning his knees? Do tears flow? Perhaps. But, if the child wants to master bicycle riding, he gets back on the bike, determined to master riding it. He does not allow a negative past experience to determine his future success. And in so doing, he uses his past negative past experience to determine his future success. As you go through life, learn from your past experiences and then map a brighter future.
Ponder this and go forth.
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