Dispatches from Home: Christmas Thoughts.

Good morning on this cold, cloudy day! Christmas means many things to many people. It can be a joyous time or one that is bittersweet. It can be a remembrance of loved ones who’ve gone Home. It can conjure the smells of hot spiced tea, a ham or turkey baking in the oven, or a delicious pecan pie. Many things might remind you of the holidays, but for me, it’s specific Christmas decorations.
Mom made the ceramic tree in the late 60s. She took a ceramics class and was so proud of it when she brought it home. Every year when I take it down from the closet shelve where it resides for 11 months out of the year, I think of her, holding it so carefully in her sweet, loving hands. I think of Dad smiling at Mom’s creation. I think of myself, amazed at how festive it was.
This holiday season was way too busy! I was too tired to decorate the house’s interior as I usually do. However, I took the time to unwarp Mom’s ceramic tree, adorning it with a bit of garland and a few poinsettias.
As I sit drinking my morning coffee, looking out the window, and thinking of times past, I look at Mom’s tree. I think of her. I think of Dad. And I remember their love for me. Thank you, dear Heavenly Father, for the loving parents with which you blessed me. Thank you! Stay warm, everyone. It’s gonna get cold tonight! Big hug. (Originally published December 22, 2022.)
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