The Sunday Sermonette – Summertime Plums.

When I was a child, I spent many happy summers with my sweet Granny from D’Lo, who, at that time, lived in Jackson, Mississippi. Many a summer morning, I’d look out my bedroom window at her plum trees, hoping that by some mysterious alchemy in the night, the tart, yellow-green plums had turned a juicy purplish red, sweet and delicious. Imagine my confusion if I’d looked out the window expecting plums but discovered kumquats. Plum trees produce plums, not kumquats. Right?

Just as a plum tree bears plums, our words and actions are the fruit of our hearts. Bitter, hurtful, angry, and resentful words stem from a heart filled with the same emotions. Hate and unkindness also find their roots in a heart that harbors them. This is the world’s wisdom, or rather, its lack thereof. However, a heart that is gentle, loving, and merciful is acquainted with God and places His wisdom above that of the world. His wisdom has the power to transform our hearts and produce His fruit.

When was the last time you truly examined your heart? Does it align with your words and actions? Is your heart a reliable plum tree, or does it sometimes surprise you with kumquats? Remember, the seeds of Father God’s wisdom bear His fruit. Never forget! Father God sees into our hearts. Ask Him to fill your heart with peace and cleanse it of any anger, resentment, bitterness, hurt, and hate. Be a plum, not a kumquat.

Ponder this and go forth.